1 Feb : Anuskha , B sc 3rd : Physiotherapy and Occupational therapy are evolving professions worldwide which work for the benefit and rehabilitation of the differently abled individuals. Physiotherapy means physiotherapeutic system of medicine which includes examination, treatment, advice and instructions to any person preparatory to or for the purpose of or in connection with movement dysfunction, body malfunction, physical disorder, disability, healing and pain from trauma and disease, physical and mental conditions using physical agents including exercise, mobilization, manipulation, mechanical and electrotherapy, activity and devices or diagnosis, treatment and prevention. “Occupational therapy” means the analysis and use of purposeful activity with individuals who are limited by physical injury or illness, developmental or learning disabilities, psycho-social dysfunctions or the aging process in order to maximize independence, prevent disability and maintain health. It is a health care profession which enables an individual to do what he needs to do and wants to do. Occupational therapy is a skilled treatment that helps an individual to achieve independence in all areas of life.
Occupational therapy assists people in developing the “skills for the job of living” necessary for independent and satisfying lives. Occupational therapy addresses the physical, cognitive, psychosocial, sensory, and other aspects of performance in a variety of environment to support engagement in everyday life activities that affect health, well being, and quality of life.
Physiotherapist is able to prevent, identify, assess, correct or evaluate the acute or prolong movement disorders. Or Physiotherapists analyze the impact of injury, disease or
disorders on movements and functions. Their unique contribution to health care is to promote, restore and prolong physical independence by enhancing a client’s functional capacity. Physiotherapists encourage clients to assume responsibility for their health and participate in team approaches to health service delivery.
Occupational therapists (OT) help people who have conditions that are mentally, physically, developmentally, or emotionally disabling improve their ability to perform tasks in their daily living and working environments. They also help them develop, recover, or maintain daily living and work skills. Occupational therapist use meaningful activities as a treatment media to help patient regain their
life’s roles and abilities for activities of daily living, work, play and leisure by modification or adaptation of the person, environment or the occupation. Occupational therapist uses a holistic approach to health care
and treatment. They work with the individual, their family and other health professionals. They treat the
individual as a whole considering the physical, psychological, spiritual aspects. Their goal is to maximize skills for living which enhance personal productivity, well being and quality of life.
Assessing the patient. Planning and implementing the programme after assessment. Altering and continuing
management programme after reassessment. – Assessment of clients with actual or potential impairments, pain, functional limitations, disabilities or other health-related conditions using detailed history-taking, as well as specific tests and measures for screening, establishing a diagnosis and monitoring.
– Diagnosis resulting from assessment findings and clinical reasoning to determine abilities, functional needs and potential for change.
– Planning an intervention strategy that addresses the prognosis and follow-up and incorporates the application of selected approaches and techniques supported by the best evidence available.
– Implementing selected interventions safely to relieve pain; achieve and maintain
health and fitness, functional independence and physical performance and manage the identified impairments, disabilities and limits to participation.
– Evaluation of health status as a baseline for monitoring or to determine the result, impact, or effectiveness of physiotherapy intervention.
– Education of the profession, other health professionals, the public and clients with the intention of transferring knowledge and skills and developing understanding, independence and competence.
– Consultation that provides professional advice and solutions addressing a wide range of health service and
health status issues.
– Research that encompasses the application of critical inquiry, as well as participation in or assessment of findings from research activities.
– Service management related to planning, directing, organizing and monitoring service delivery and effective utilization of resources.
– Communication with clients, team members and others to achieve collaboration and service coordination.
A. Evaluation of factors affecting activities of daily living (ADL), instrumental activities of daily living (IADL), education, work, play, leisure, and social participation, including: – Client factors, including body functions (such as neuromuscular, sensory, visual, perceptual, and cognitive) and body structures (such as cardiovascular, digestive, integumentary, genitourinary systems). – Habits, routines, roles, and behavior patterns. – Cultural, physical, environmental, social, and spiritual environment and activity demands that affect performance. – Performance skills, including motor, process, and communication/interaction skills.
B. Methods or strategies selected to direct the process of interventions such as: – Establishment, remediation, or restoration of a skill or ability that has not yet developed or is impaired. – Compensation, modification, or adaptation of activity or environment to enhance performance. – Maintenance and
enhancement of capabilities without which performance in everyday life activities would decline.
– Health promotion and wellness to enable or enhance performance in everyday life activities.
– Prevention of barriers to performance, including disability prevention.
C. Interventions and procedures to promote or enhance safety and performance in activities of daily living (ADL), instrumental activities of daily living (IADL), education, work, play, leisure, and social participation, including: – Therapeutic use of occupations, exercises, and activities. – Training in self-care, self management, home management, and community/ work reintegration. – Development, remediation, or
compensation of physical, cognitive, neuromuscular, sensory functions and behavioral skills. – Therapeutic use of self, including one’s personality, insights, perceptions, and judgments, as part of the therapeutic process. – Education and training of individuals, including family members, caregivers, and others. – Care coordination, case management, and transition services. – Consultative services to groups, programs, organizations, or communities. – Modification of environments (home, work, school, or community) and adaptation of processes, including the application of ergonomic principles. – Assessment, design, fabrication, application, fitting, and training in assistive technology, adaptive devices, and orthotic devices, and training in the use of prosthetic devices. – Assessment, recommendation, and training in techniques to enhance functional mobility, including wheelchair management. – Driver rehabilitation and community mobility. – Management of feeding, eating, and swallowing to enable eating and feeding performance. Application of physical agent modalities, and use of a range of specific therapeutic procedures (such as wound care management; techniques to enhance sensory, perceptual, and cognitive processing) to enhance performance skills.
Physiotherapy is a health profession that deals with management of body dysfunction or disorder by physical modalities. The aims of physiotherapeutic system are to promote option at human health and function through the application of medical health sciences and clinical sciences. Physiotherapy is a first contact, autonomous, client-focused health profession which dedicated to following objectives:
Improving and maintaining functional independence and physical performance. – Preventing and managing pain, physical impairments, disabilities and limits to participation. – Promoting fitness, health and wellness.
Physiotherapy used in restoration of physical function and maintenance of physical well being are the main goals of therapy. The physiotherapy is works for the coordinal principle of rehabilitation science i.e. to treat the patient as a whole person. Following points are the major aims of physiotherapy:- – Relieving and treating pains – Maintaining or improving of mobility of joints – Maintaining and increasing the strength of muscles – Re-educating muscles – Correction of posture – Preventing contracture and deformity – Increasing vital capacity to maintain general body function – Healing of wound and ulcer etc – Maintain and improving coordination – To give advice related to waste and physical work – Suggestion for general health of the body – Facilitating motor function – Facilitating normal development.
— Work-related injuries including lower back problems or repetitive stress injuries
— Limitations following a stroke or heart attack.
— Arthritis, multiple sclerosis, or other serious chronic conditions.
— Birth injuries, learning problems, or developmental disabilities.
— Mental health or behavioral problems including Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia, and post-traumatic stress
— Problems with substance use or eating disorders.
— Burns, spinal cord injuries, or amputations
— Broken bones or other injuries from falls, sports injuries, or accidents
— Vision or cognitive problems that threaten the ability to drive
Physiotherapist may join following organization:
> Government job
> Sports
> Teaching
> N.G.O. (Non governmental organization)
> Hospital
> Nursing home
> Hospices
> Special School
> Rehabilitation centre
>Health and Fitness centre orGymnasium
> Private clinic
>Maternity clinic
> Research centre
> Foreign countries Home care services
> Retirement homes
> Psychiatric clinics
> Vocational rehabilitationcenters
Physiotherapy and Occupational therapy are 4 ½ year degree course B.P. T, B.O .T Colleges are there India and abroad which offer these courses :
After graduation Masters in Physiotherapy/Occupational therapy can be pursued which is a two year course and has specialization in various areas Paediatrics, Neurology, Orthopaedics ,Hand, Mental Health, Cardiology and Rehabilitation, Sports and Gynae. Some of the recognized Physiotherapy and Occupational
therapy Colleges in India:
1. Seth G.S. Medical College,
Parel, Mumbai – 400 012,
2. T.N. Medical College & B.Y.L.
Nair Hospital, Mumbai – 400 008,
3. L.T.M. Medical College & Sion
Hospital, Sion, Mumbai – 400 002,
4. Padmashree Dr. D.Y. Patil
Medical College, D.Y. Patil
Vidyanagar, Sector-7, Nerul Navi
Mumbai – 400 706, Maharashtra.
5. Govt. Medical College and
Hospital, Ajni, Nagpur – 400 003,
6. Pt. DDU The Institute for the
Physically Handicapped 4, Vishnu
Digambar Marg, New Delhi –
7. National Institute for
Orthopaedically Handicapped,
Bon Hooghly, B.T. Road, Kolkata –
700 090, West Bengal.
8. Christian Medical College and
Hospital, Vellore – 632 004, Tamil
9. National Institute of Rehab.
Training & Research, Olatpur, P.
O. Bairoi, Cuttack – 754 010, Orrisa.
10. College of Physiotherapy and
occupational Therapy Viklang
Bhawan, Patna, Bihar
Thus, Physiotherapy and Occupational therapy are evolving growing professions hich can be good career option o enable young aspirants work or the rehabilitation and benefit f the differently abled individuals
(The author is Suraj Kumar and
Mita Singhal are working at Pt.
DDU IPH, New Delhi)