Social Justice Minister Shri Gopal Bhargava has said that strict action will be taken under Parents’ Maintenance Act against the families where parents are not being taken care of properly. Such family members can be fined Rs. 10 thousand and sentenced three months’ jail. Saying this, Shri Bhargava honoured centenarians and bestowed Indira Gandhi Social Service Award on Smt. Madhuri Mishra.
Social Justice Minister Shri Bhargava said that the government will undertake every possible effort to protect and help older persons, but society’s role is also important in this connection. Shri Bhargava said that the government will monitor whether people are respecting older members of their families and taking care of them properly.Shri Bhargava said that only those families and societies are happy where older persons are given due respect. He said that children not taking care of their parents will be punished. Older persons present on the occasion supported this. Recalling Beti Bachao Abhiyan, Shri Bhargava appealed to people to stay away the heinous crime of embryo killing if they want to get brides for their sons. Water Resources Minister Shri Jayant Malaiya said that women like Smt. Madhuri Mishra should come forward in society.
The minister duo honoured Smt. Madhuri Mishra with Indira Gandhi Social Service Award for 2009-10 and presented a cheque of Rs. one lakh, shawl and coconut to her. Smt. Mishra announced to donate Rs. 51 thousand to the institutions working for the welfare of girls. Principal Secretary Social Justice, Panchayat and Rural Development Smt. Aruna Sharma gave information about departmental schemes.
The centenrians honoured on the occasion included Shri Parasram Gurjar (125 years), Smt. Babban Bi (120), Smt. Zainab Bi (110), Shri Nathuram (104), Shri Faqir Chand Sharma (103), Smt. Girija Devi Soni (103), Smt. Zaitoon Bi (102) and Smt. Anbiya Bi (102).
Divisional Commissioner Shri Manoj Shrivastava said that film ‘Mausam’ will be shown free to older persons at Rangmahal Talkies today from 3 to 6 pm. He said that he has given instructions for organising separate health camps, separate OPDs in hospitals, recreation clubs for older persons in all the districts in the division, making employment available to them, providing concession in hospitals and buses, keeping seats reserved for older persons in buses and sanctioning social security pension to all eligible older persons.
Four disabled women of Mumbai are on tour of India. Two of them – Sushri Sunita Sancheti and Ninu Kelwani – reached Bhopal today. Shri Bhargava also honoured them with shawl and coconut. These women will create awareness about giving adequate facilities to disabled at tourist spots of India.
On the occasion, a free health camp was organised for older persons. President of Bhopal Zila Panchayat Smt. Meenal Goyal, District Collector Shri Nikunj Shrivastava, other officers and older persons were also present on the occasion.