The State Information Commission has imposed a fine of Rs 25 thousand on the then Public Information Officer (PIO) of the Higher Education Department for not providing information. Orders to this effect were issued by Chief Information Commissioner Shri Padampani Tiwari on January 24, 2011 in which the guilty officer has been instructed to deposit Rs 25 thousand in the office of the Commission within one month. At present, Shri Updhyaya is posted as CEO of Zila Panchayat, Bhopal.
Assistant professor (economics) Shri S.K. Wagle of Government College, Khategaon in Dewas district had moved an application with State Information Commission after the public information officer and appellate authority failed to provide him information within one month. The complainant, Shri Wagle, has said in his application that the signatures of the then assistant commissioner of Higher Education Department are doubtful in the letter he has received from the office of Commissioner Higher Education. Shri Wagle had moved an application to the PIO for tallying these signatures. The then PIO Shri Upadhyaya rejected this application citing due to hiccups and investigation and difficulties in apprehending the guilty.
Indifference on the part of the then PIO came to light during the investigation made by the State Information Commission after which the commission asked Shri Upadhyaya to present his version. Even after receiving the notice, Shri Upadhyaya neighter appeared before the commission nor gave a written reply.