Shri V.S. Kokje, Governor with the awardees in Bravery Awards Ceremony organized by Godfrey Philips India Ltd at Shimla. Shri V.S. Kokje, Governor stressed upon women empowerment and said that women in our country should be encouraged to move ahead and progress in life. He said that it could be achieved when organizations, individuals and corporate houses take initiatives to provide opportunities to women to gain economic freedom and dignity in the society. He was speaking as Chief Guest in the Bravery Awards Ceremony organized by Godfrey Philips India Ltd here last evening.
He said that economic development of women means their participation in economically productive activities, which in turn lead to control over income and other productive assets.
Shri Kokje lauded the initiatives of Godfrey Philips India Ltd. to honour persons for social and physical acts of courage. He said that bravery is not an act that could be taught in classrooms but was an emotion of sacrifice and giving which comes from within. He said that initiatives of Godfrey Philips Ltd. needed to be appreciated for recognizing the acts of courage.
Shri Kokje urged the Godfrey Philips India Ltd. to formulate a strategy to explore possibilities of marketing of products produced by women self help groups in Himachal Pradesh so that economic condition of women could be strengthened which could also increase their decision making power.