April 06, 2008:Prof. Prem Kumar Dhumal, Chief Minister, greeted the people of the state on ‘Vikrami Samvat-2065’ (Vikrami Samvatsar Chaitra Shukla 1 Pratipada Yugavda 5110) and wished every one happy and prosperous Hindu New Year. He was addressing the assembly of Hindu devotees on the historic
Ridge Maidan after he inaugurated the "Anandotsava" jointly organized by the Gayatri Parivar, Art of Living, Divya Bharti and a number of other religious organizations of the capital town, by lighting the lamp here today.
Chief Minister said that efforts would be made to celebrate the next new year function in a more befitting manner in association with all the religious organizations of the state, especially those stationed in Shimla. He said that the ‘Hindu Sanskriti’ happened to be the oldest in the world deeply rooted into the hearts of the people. He said that the saints and sages had been instrumental in preservation and promotion of the culture who had dedicated their entire life for the cause. He said that there was need to follow the path shown by them to make the life successful and fruitful.
Prof. Dhumal said that former Prime Minister Shri Atal Behari Vajpayee during his Prime Ministership had worked devotedly to take the nation forward and prepare it for entering into 21st century since the same belonged to India to emerge as the ‘World Leader’ in all respects. He said that it was the duty of every person to realize the dream of Shri Vajpayee and work dedicatedly to preserve and conserve the Indian culture. He said that there was need to bring about cultural revolution by following the devotional path shown by saints and sages. He emphasized the need to collectively work for the religious harmony so that there was peace and complete harmony in the society.
Chief Minister also released the souvenir brought out by the organizers to mark the new year celebrations. He also visited all the stalls put up by various religious organizations and took keen interest in the literature and objects displayed therein. He attended the ‘Bhajan Sandhya’ organized to mark the beginning of the new year.
Swami Yatindra Nand Giri from Rurkee also addressed the congregation and spoke about the religious discourses in Hinduism.
Shri Suresh Bhardwaj, Shri Satpal Singh Satti, Dr. Ram Lal Markandey MLAs, Shri Ganesh Datt, President, District Shimla BJP, other office bearers of various religious organizations of the town, Shri J.S. Rana, Deputy Commissioner, Shimla, Shri R.M.Sharma, Superintendant of Police and other senior officers were present.