CHANDIGARH: Punjab Congress general secretary Arvind Khanna today condoled the death of noted comedy star Jaspal Bhatti in a tragic road accident early Thursday morning. He said these recurring deaths on the roads need to be taken seriously and should sound alarm bells among all those who are genuinely concerned about the safety of people.
Expressing his shock and grief over Bhatti’s death, Khanna said, it must prove to be a wakeup call for everybody concerned and involved.
“The state loses 9 lives every day in road accidents, which amounts to over 3,000 deaths every year. This is a staggering figure. We can’t afford to let our roads continue to be killing tracts,†he asserted while referring to the increasing number of death that are being caused on the roads in Punjab.
The Dhuri MLA maintained that urgent measures were needed to be taken to make the roads in Punjab safer. “In a span of three days we have lost two prominent people, a senior journalist and a comedy starâ€, he pointed out adding, “while these deaths got prominently noticed there are scores others who get killed on the roads and at times go unrecognized and unattended for hours together.â€
“Let us value the lives of people and let us take measures to save themâ€, he made a fervent appeal to the government while emphasising the need that the road safety needed to be counted among the top most priorities.