Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Patil,
Hon’ble President of India,
Rashtrapati Bhavan,
New Delhi.
Ref. No. AUM/Prez RA GW: 470Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Dated 27th May, 2010
Respected Ma’am,
With due respect to your kind Excellency I wish to draw your urgent attention to a highly imperative concern of the Public of India who are being subjected to extreme adversity due absence of Rain in the country where people are threatened without adequate drinking water and associated problems. Some cities are only getting potable water supply after every two days whereas some villagers are walking miles to fetch water for their vital requirements.
Last year vide my letter dated the 31/8/09 I had approached your Excellency with a proposal whereby I could sanctify rain using spiritual wisdom & capability as demonstrated in the Mahabharata-times by the grace of God, as available on history record. Most respectfully I reaffirm that I have acquired the capability to do so and need your kind co-operation by permitting me the opportunity to unfold the technique before your Excellency.
I had discussed the matter with Mr. Arya, Jt. Police Commissioner at your Presidential Palace who is himself a spiritually evolved / learned person whom I had also apprised my various matchless past credentials and professional achievements with supporting documents which all attribute towards Public & National interest. He could speak for me, if required for veracity purpose.
2. I am also a member of the < group > of USA which is intensively campaigning about Global Warming to bring about general awareness amongst the Global Public and find immediate solutions in this regard. India is most affected by this gruesome predator which has already gobbled an island in the Sunderban, (W.B.) recently and is threatening the Public of India with dire consequences. Most humbly I wish to state that I have also found an immediate solution to control this crisis, but, with your kind support.
Besides matchless credentials as a pilot, I am also a graduate in Aeronautics. My unique achievements could be assessed by a suitable board to confirm my out- standing performance as best amongst world-wide airline pilots, in order to ascertain the veracity of my submissions. AND, I have an exemplary 30 years of intensive research oriented study experience into our ancient spiritual allied science & enhanced human capability. By virtue of my achieved communion with God (Truth) I indubitably reiterate that I could serve the Nation and bring an end to various other impending miseries and associated problems to our country folks, if given a chance.
Most reverentially I pray before your kind Excellency to please accord me an opportunity to unfold my objectives before you and bring immediate relief to this scorching country and the thirsty citizenry of this great India who once upon a time was the most esteemed place on this planet called Earth. I beg & pray, please give me an opportunity to restore our lost Glory & Wisdom.
I would need an appointment in person with your Excellency. I shall be arriving in Delhi just for a few days on 31/5/10 and pray if I could be blessed with the sought opportunity to meet your kind Excellency.
I shall NOT be available on 2/6/10 due to a personal court hearing.
Thanking you,
Yours truly
Capt. P.N.Sharma < [email protected] >
3226 / 21-D, Chandigarh.                       Mobile: 9815002322. Tel.: 0172-2707005