As an effective means of sensitizing the administration at all levels towards resolving Public Grievances with an approach to address them with empathy, sensitivity and high priority Samadhan Online has been launched. Programme is conducted on first Tuesday of every month. All the District and Department Officials are asked to remain in the Office on that day for clarifications, if any. About 20 to 25 applications are randomly selected and sent to the concerned officials through the website on the same day of the programme for submission of the report. The report is submitted online by the concerned officials to the Office of Hon’ble Chief Minister. Hon’ble Chief Minister himself reviews the reports along with the complainant and the concerned officials through the Video Conferencing facility.
The instructions given by the Hon’ble Chief Minister are further followed up through the website. All the Districts participate in this programme through the Video Conferencing facility.
One Day Governance
Samadhan Ek Din Mein is a very innovative and pro-people programme to provide about 21 certificates sought by the applicant on the same day itself. The public has to apply from 11.00 am to 1.30 pm, after which the certificates are issued before the end of the day. If application is rejected or delayed the reason thereof is furnished to the applicants. The Collector monitors the disposal of application at the end of each day. As a result of implementation of this programme, citizens’ ordeal of uncertainty in getting the certificates in hand even after spending lots of time and money has ended. It also generates revenue, increases public confidence and reduces the number of pending cases eliminating of the role of middle men.
Virendra kumar yadav m.9455052214 vilege,pawna =post kirtapur. polic stashan.jafrabad tahshil sadar dest-jaunpur 222001 uttar pardesh=aaj mere prose. vinay kumar yadav meri bhabhi ko gala dbakar marne ki koshis mare kahi sunwae nahi ho rahi SHO Mol.9454403625 SP.9454400280000000SDM.SADAR 9454417108